Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sarah Palin is an ignorant, ranting, whining bitch. There I said it. But lots more are thinking it.

Actually, I didn't say it originally, I'm merely quoting it.

I'm more than willing to say it as well, though. For instance:

"Sarah Palin is an ignorant, ranting, whining bitch."

Who has the guts to say this sort of thing publicly? Meet Helen Philpot, one of two women, friends for over sixty years, who is blogging about life and politics. Margaret and Helen's blog may have started out as a way for the two to keep in touch, but it's gained major exposure over the internets through her recent tell-it-like-it-is postings on Palin and McCain.

Just take the titles of some of her posts along with hand-selected (by me) quotes from said blog entries:

Sarah Palin is a Bitch… there I said it.

"She will say anything and avoid answering any question instead choosing to spout whatever line or soundbite some adviser put into her mouth a few hours earlier. And exactly when did sounding like a hick make someone “more like us”. Last time I checked we were a country striving to educate our children to be intelligent and honest. I think I would die if my daughter came home from school and said something like “I gotta tell ya. Change is a comin’.” At the very least I would remove the Beverly Hillbillies from her approved TV viewing list."

"She loves to talk about being a mother but the last time I checked, having your newborn on national TV at 11PM instead of in bed wasn’t considered “good muthering“. Neither was making your child’s unexpected teen pregnancy the talk of the nation because you desperately wanted to be a politician in Washington DC - or isn’t that exactly what you said you didn’t want. From where I sit, it appears you would sell your soul for the position."

Yep. I called her a bitch and I am not taking it back.
"I am so surprised at how many of you have come to my little web page blog. People didn’t think I was 82 so I thought maybe you couldn’t see the pictures but then someone called me old and fat so I guess you can...

For those of you calling me names. Shoot. I’m 82 and have been called much worse by much better. Margaret all but called me a communist for posting it in the first place and told me my sailor mouth would get me in trouble! I don’t mind. Besides I started it by calling that fool from Alaska a bitch. Surely you could not have watched that debate without realizing she has no idea what end is up. I remember a girl like that in high school. Her name was Sally and we used to say that she wasn’t right in the head."

Maverick my ass!
" is what my heart is telling me. I am 82 years old (83 in December). It’s time to hand the reigns over to the next generation and hope that we did a good job raising them. To Senator McCain I say, with love in my heart, sit down and shut up. You’re beginning to look like an ass and your answers sound like a cross between Barnie Fife and Floyd the Barber. And no matter how many times you start a sentence with “My friends” if you end it with a bunch of stuff that really doesn’t make sense… well eventually someone like me is going to call “bullshit”."

"One more thing for Senator McCain before this old bird goes to bed. Ronald Reagan is dead. Let it go."


"Hello world. Well where do I begin? I am shocked at the response to my little rants. You sure do know how to make an old gal feel special. Of course there is another woman out there who feels special, but that’s only because she’s been shooting caribou out the window of her Straight Talk Express on the way to her next Republican hillbilly rally.

For crying out loud America. How bad does it have to get? Senator McCain is practically crumbling to dust before our very eyes while Governor Palin is out in the hinterland screeching about some 60’s hippie who bumped into Obama once or twice over the years. This from the woman who panders to secessionists in Alaska. Please, dear God, somebody throw a stone because that glass igloo needs to be shattered!"

The Straight Talk Express Just Drove Off That Bridge to Nowhere

"My hat’s off to McCain for trying to set the record straight about Obama not being an Arab, but what does it say about his judgment that he handed a live microphone to Ma and Pa Kettle in the first place? I mean what truck and tractor pull was cancelled to make room for that stop on the Straight Talk Express?

Look. I called Governor Palin a bitch. Some of you didn’t like that word and I really don’t care. I’ve been around the block a few times. Hell, in dog years I’m already dead so a little word like bitch is hardly cause for concern in my world. But when a crowd starts yelling “terrorist”, “kill him” and “Arab”… well that is entirely different and it’s time the guys driving this Straight Talk Express started using their heads for something other than hat racks. If you watch Palin doing her little performance at those rallies you quickly realize that she is either too stupid to see or just doesn’t care that her dog sled is going down a slippery slope. We can’t put that in the White House. We just can’t."

What strikes me the most about Helen Philpot's writing is that I haven't read anything like it before. Democrats, on the whole, are far too nice, far too polite to write such things. In their effort to be all-inclusive, to listen to and accept all people from all walks of life they become afraid to call something out for what it is.

Not everything wants to play nice. Not everyone wants a happy, sunshiny world where we all can be happy, loved, warm and well-fed. Not everyone wants a fair, level playing field.

Palin and McCain are two such people. They want as much as they can grab as fast as they can grab it. Fueled by eight years of watching Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the Bush White House rake the working class of American over the coals, smothering us with the Constitution until it, too, burst into flames, they have seen what can be done and are eager for their chance to carry on the Bush legacy.

It takes someone like Helen to call them out on it and remind us that we, too, should be calling them out, just as loudly and just as angrily.


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