Monday, January 31, 2005

Children of Iraq

This is cross-posted, with some minor editing, to my personal blog. Sometimes posting just demand better exposure.

Bonn showed me these images yesterday. They come from a website called Zonaeuropa. The page takes a while to download because of the sheer number of images.

(Note: There were no photographer's credits given for any of these images)

What astounds me, just continually astounds me is the unthinking arrogance of the current administration. To think for a minute that any country would accept an invading force as liberators and welcome them and their style of government as anything other than Invaders is absurd.

Instead of being seen as anything positive, we've shown ourselves to be concerned only with our own financial interests at the price of any international standing we might have had, regardless of any human cost -- be it in Iraqi lives or those of our own soldiers.

We're doing more to instill hatred of the US than any propaganda campaign against us ever could. And we've all but ensured several future generations of terrorists willing to give back to the US what they felt was given to them and their country.

God help us all.


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