Friday, October 15, 2004

Not So Random Links (Take 3)

* Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC's "Countdown" has started his long-awaited (by me, at least) blog, Bloggerman. His first entry was on Bill O'Reilly, Boake Carter and Falafel. (That's Falafel, not falaphilia. Olbermann is sharp, savvy and writes in the same voice in which he delivers his nightly countdown.

* Ever feel like Slapping the Candidates? (or at least one of them?) Give it a try. I find it very theraputic, in a way, especially after scoring a perfect 10.

* I have very few real heroes in life: Edward R. Murrow, Linda Ellerbee, Cal Ripken, Fred Rogers and, now it's official, Jon Stewart.

Today, Jon Stewart appeared on the CNN show "Crossfire". The CNN website for "Crossfire" describes the show as:
Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson on the Right do battle with James Carville and Paul Begala on the Left. Broadcast in front of a live audience and featuring daily political guests, "Crossfire" examines the political and social issues impacting the United States.

It's supposed to be a debate show, but it isn't. It's really just grandstanding theatrics made to look like debate.

Stewart was the only guest today and instead of being funny, instead of promoting his new book "America: The Book", Stewart actually took both Paul Begala and Carson Tucker to task for not only not conducting real debates, but for being part of the problem with politics today.

The exchange was some of the most devistating television I've ever seen. Stewart took no prisoners on either side, and by the end of the show both hosts felt insulted and defensive.

My favorite exchange:

Carlson: Jon, I think you're funnier on your show

Stewart: Tucker, you're just as big a d*ck on your show...

There's a lot of discussion on Stewart's appearance on this page of The Daily Kos, a great progressive blogsite. (Scroll down for a transcript of the show as well as a Bit Torrent link -- not that I'd ever suggest using it.


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