Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bob Schieffer, The Best Choice for a Moderator?

Tonight's third Presidential Debate (or "Presidential Presentation" as Lou Dobbs calls them) is being hosted by CBS Anchorman Bob Schieffer. has posted an article questioning the choice of Schieffer, noting several links between Schieffer and Dubbya.

According to an article in Mother Jones magazine:

The worst of the bunch might be Bob Schieffer, who will moderate the third debate on foreign policy. Schieffer, it should be noted, struck up a golfing friendship with George W. Bush during the 1990s. Last year, the "Face the Nation" host told Howard Kurtz, "It's always difficult to cover someone you know personally."

To quote
On Face the Nation on July 18, CBS host Bob Schieffer echoed Republican Party talking points in questioning Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe and falsely asserted that Senator John Kerry (D-MA) "really has laid out no agenda" on Iraq.

Bob's brother, Tom Schieffer, turns out to be the US Ambassador to Australia and a long-time friend and business partner of Dubbya (Tom Schieffer was Partner-in-Charge of the Ballpark Development company, which bought the Texas Rangers Baseball Club and where Dubbya made his millions)

It seems that the Commission on Presidential Debates could have found someone with a less questionable background for moderating a Presidential debate.


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